Thursday, May 10, 2018

Society Snippets: Happy 125th anniversary to the SCDAR!

On this day, May 10, 1893, a group of ladies under the leadership of State Regent Rebecca Bacon met to officially organize the Columbia Chapter.  Malvina Waring served as organizing regent of the chapter.  As a result of the chapter's organization, the South Carolina State Society of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution was formed.

State Regent Rebecca Bacon 1892-1897

At 3:00 P.M., members from chapters across the state will be performing Ceremonies of Remembrance at the burial locations of our deceased Honorary State Regents at which time they will place a white carnation tied with a blue ribbon on their respective graves.  If you are not able to attend one of these ceremonies, please stop what you are doing and pause for a moment in recognition of those who came before us and have kept our state society strong as a result of their faithful service.  I am also including below the ceremony that all the participating chapters will be using for you to read along at 3:00 if you so choose.

The e-mail addresses of our living Honorary State Regents are available in our Yearbooks; therefore, you may want to consider sending a note of appreciation to them. 

Pictures from each service of remembrance will be posted on this blog as they are received and any stories that are shared concerning the event will be shared with those pictures.  Please continue to check back to see the Ceremonies of Remembrance  recognizing the work  of our Honorary State Regents.

125th Anniversary Celebration
Ceremony Remembering Our Treasured Past
Written by Penny Renwick

Good afternoon!
          On this day, May 10, 1893, the South Carolina State Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was formed when the first chapter in our state, the Columbia Chapter, was organized one hundred twenty five years ago.  
An enduring leadership both on the chapter and state levels has kept our state society strong for 125 years.  Our regents have led during times of war, depressions/recessions, pandemics, and during the highs and lows of our nation’s history.  They have had to help others understand and gain a love of ancestry and history, to understand the need to protect items, places, and graves of historical significance, and to educate others in the art of giving of money, time, and self. 
There is a saying that to be a leader you must be willing to serve others and to serve others you must be willing to sacrifice self.  Our history has demonstrated the willingness of women to sacrifice themselves for the greater good for 125 years. 
          On the actual day of our anniversary, the members of this chapter and chapters across the state are remembering our Honorary State Regents who have demonstrated the willingness of women to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.  We are gathered here today to remember _______________________ (name of State Regent) who faithfully served our state society from ____________________________(years of her administration).


          In honor of the service of ________________________, we, representing all of the members of the SCDAR, place this flower as a loving tribute to her service and leadership to our state society.


          May the history that we of today leave for future generations be just as awe inspiring as the history of our beginnings.  May the character of the women who have led us in our past be unmistakable in our leaders of the future.  May the enduring leadership continue to be evident as we move forward in our next century of service to God, Home, and Country.

          Thank you for attending and being a part of the SCDAR’s 125th anniversary celebration!

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