Friday, May 11, 2018

125th Ceremony of Remembrance - Ilda Patrick

What a wonderful day yesterday was for the SCDAR!  This morning, when I checked my e-mail, the inbox was full of pictures from yesterday’s Ceremonies of Remembrance!  I am so excited at what I have so far and will spend time downloading the pictures and organizing them to share with you in the next weeks.  Just so you will know, there will be no planned order.  I will post the pictures and corresponding information randomly.  If any special information is shared with me concerning the tribute, I will include that as well.  As a result, what is shared will be dependent on what is received.

 As I was leading my chapter in the Ceremony of Remembrance, I kept thinking throughout the event how members across the state were recognizing our deceased state regents who faithfully served our state society for 125 years.  It was all I could do not to get choked up as I led our Ceremony of Remembrance for our assigned State Regent.  To all who organized their chapter’s ceremony and attended the event, I cannot thank you enough!!!  As our State Regent, Dianne Culbertson said, “It is a wonderful tribute to those who have served.”  I can’t begin to tell you how pleased she was to have so many chapters agree to hold the ceremonies!

To give chapters time to send me any additional information they would like to include, I will begin by posting information for the Ceremony of Remembrance for Ilda Jane Nixon Patrick.

The sun was shining brightly without a cloud in the sky making Fairfield County hot this day.  Since our members were traveling out in the county to our location, Mama and I decided to take refreshments for the occasion.  Just outside the gate of the cemetery, we placed a table with lemonade and cookies along with Ms. Ilda’s picture, one of the corsages Mama had made for the family of deceased State Regents to wear at the Friday night banquet of state conference, and the flower that would be placed at her grave.

As we arrived, a wonderful cooling breeze began and remained the entire time we were there.  It was as if Ms. Ilda herself had sent the breeze for us from heaven above. 

The members who were able to attend moved to her grave to be ready to begin the ceremony at 3:00.  Below is information concerning Ilda Patrick.

Ilda Jane Nixon Patrick
Mrs. Matthew White
State Regent 1955-1958
          23 Nov 1890
          24 Mar 1981
          Aged 90
                   White Oak ARP Cemetery
                   White Oak, SC
Ms. Ilda was a 64 year member in the Thomas Woodward Chapter where she served her chapter in almost every capacity.  She served the SCDAR as State Regent from 1955-1958 and concurrently served as Chairman of the Tamassee DAR School Board of Trustees.  She was elected to the position of NSDAR Vice President General from 1958-1961.
          Her church, the White Oak ARP, and all phases of the women’s work of the church knew her loyalty and appreciated her long active service.
          As a citizen, she gave generously of her time in many civic organizations in the county serving as an officer in most of them.  Winthrop College honored her as a Master Farm Homemaker.
          Ms. Ilda was a native of St. Claire County Illinois.  She graduated from Erskine College and taught school for two years before marrying Matthew White Patrick.  She and her husband were married for over 60 years and spent their entire married life here in White Oak.
          Her life could be described as one of dedication to God and Country, devotion to family and friends, loyalty to principles of historical appreciation of the past; patriotic service in the present and wholesome education for the future; a life of service to the betterment of community, state, and nation, and a life of inspiration to strive onward and upward till the goal is reached.

The flower was placed.  

Pictures were taken.

And, then…DAR members do what they always do when they are in a cemetery, the members started looking at the gravestones to see if there were any that might be family connections to their own lines!  Of course, genealogical discussions were then the topic as well as the history of White Oak, the Patrick family who are the overwhelming majority buried in the cemetery, and the historical church.

We were sad to discover, but not surprised, that the DAR marker placed during the Crider administration is missing.  All of us feel that this was a result of grave robbers going around stealing copper to sell for quick money which has been a problem in cemeteries nationwide.

It was a delightful afternoon, and it was a pleasure to be a part of the 125th anniversary celebration!  One of our HODARs asked when the next big anniversary was.  I told him that we would turn 150 in 25 years.  He asked me if I would be in charge of that one.  My response was, “Noooo, I would be in my 70s.”  One of my members looked at me and said that she would be pushing up daisies by then!  She is one of our newer members and was truly glad that she was able to participate in this special anniversary of the SCDAR.

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