Sunday, June 3, 2018

Tamassee Tidbits: Dedication of State Regent's Project - The Prayer Garden

At the Awards Day 2018 at Tamassee DAR School, Dianne's State Regent's Project, the Prayer Garden at Tamassee was dedicated in honor of Ann Crider, Honorary State Regent and Past Chaplain General.
Dianne and Anne at the dedication of the garden
The dedication began inside the Georgia Talmadge Auditorium during the Dedication and Children's Program during Awards Day.

I have a new feature that I am adding to this blog, the use of videos.  Below is the video which took place at that time.  Be sure to turn the volume up on your computer.

The assembly then sang the hymn, "Hymn of Promise" which was so apropos for the occasion.

Next, the assembly was treated to a play by the children.  It was just precious!

The assembly was then invited to the garden for a brief dedication ceremony and the opportunity to tour the garden.

State Regent's Project plaque at the garden entrance on left side of entrance
For those of you who don't know, the garden is in the shape of a butterfly to represent transformation, and rebirth.  This is so symbolic of what Tamassee strives to do each day for the children.  Tamassee takes them where they are and helps them to see what they can become and then helps them achieve that bringing about a transformation and rebirth.

garden giving a sense of the butterfly design

Sometimes, life throws situations our way which can put us in a state of turmoil.  We need something to restore that sense of peace in our lives.  The purpose of the garden is to do just that.  To help bring about this restorative peace, the garden contains items that in their own way can help restore that balance.

State Regent's Project plaque denoting administration verse on right side of entrance to garden

In the center is a fountain to provide the soothing noise of running water to help bring about a peaceful atmosphere.

On each side are two swings to allow one to gently sway back and forth restoring a sense of calm.

Of course, there are the beautiful perennial flowers planted in the four wings of the butterfly which represent the ability to withstand a storm, the ability to rebloom year after year, and beauty.

 It is hoped that the prayer garden will be used for prayer, to bring a sense of peace, to bring about a calm when situations seem overwhelming, to help one weather the storm.

While we were there, God sent a beautiful butterfly to the prayer garden.  It was the perfect end to the dedication.

The dedication was held both in the Auditorium and then guests were invited to come to the garden where there was a brief ceremony with the beauty of the garden behind.

The second video is not my best.  The beautiful rays of sunshine prevented me from seeing through the view finder.  I also needed a tripod.  I hope you enjoy this new addition to my project anyway and get a sense of the peacefulness and beauty found in the garden.

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