Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Continental Congress Treasure Hunt: Flag

         Opening Night at Continental Congress is something special to see.  The pomp and circumstance of the evening is just breath taking.  The one aspect of the procession that every one want to see is the American flag unfurling from the ceiling at just the perfect moment that it looks like it will touch the top of the head of the President General just as she reaches the center.  It is something to behold!

           Have you ever wondered how that magic is accomplished.  I am going to share with you something that no one else will tell you.  The next time you are there, I want you to be sure to look to see if you see the hand holding the flag in the ceiling.  It is his responsibility to throw the flag at just the right moment in order for it to reach what seems like the President General’s head as she reaches center aisle.  The flag is then raised by its wire to the correct height to allow all in the auditorium to view the platform and screens.
          Each day, the flag has to be rolled in a certain way in order for it to unfurl correctly.  Prior to the procession, a gentleman must make his way in a small opening in the ceiling like a catwalk, lie down positioning himself with flag in hand ready to release, and then wait on the exact moment to let the flag fly.  The next time you are at Continental Congress look for the hand in the ceiling holding the flag.

This will be the last Continental Congress Treasure Hunt posted.  Tomorrow night is opening night.  The business of the society will begin, and many forums presenting information will be held.  You will be busy taking care of chapter business and probably won’t have time to see what I have posted.  I hope that you will take the time to see the few treasures that I have described for you while you are there.
          Just know that this is only the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes when it comes to treasures in our beautiful complex of buildings.  Be sure to take time to visit the Americana Room, the Museum, the period rooms, and the Library to see treasures.  As you walk around the building both inside and out, look up, look down, and notice the intricate details of our buildings.  Stop by the Founders Monument.  See what is blooming in the garden.  I can tell you that even if you spent every minute of your time looking at the treasures in our buildings, you won’t be able to see them all during your time at Continental Congress!


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