Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Additions Are Coming To the Blog

I am excited to let you know that you are going to be seeing some new aspects on the blog that I will be integrating in the coming months.  As many of you know, I have been spending all of my time digitizing the SCDAR Yearbooks/Annual Proceedings for what seems like forever.  Well, except for ensuring that each page scanned correctly one last time, I am finished! 

Following our state conference, I took some much needed time away from scanning and started thinking about the things I had neglected in order to finish the scanning.  One of those was the blog.   All of a sudden, or should I say, thoughts from Divine intervention came flooding about what else I should include as a way to document SCDAR history.  I began making contacts and sharing what I wanted.

Since then, I have been busy working to bring this to fruition.  I hope that you will enjoy these additions.  I will also be posting trinkets of information on the Reflections of Our Treasured Past Facebook page and Twitter. 

Be sure to update to the new blog address so you won’t miss a thing and join me at the following:

The next blog post will actually be tomorrow.  It will focus on Memorial Day.  Hopefully, after reading the new blog post, you will have learned something that you didn’t know.


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