Sunday, April 6, 2014

Special Announcement: The Culper Spy Ring of the American Revolution will be explored on television beginning April 6!

I just wanted to let you know that AMC is premiering a new television series entitled, "TURN" with the "N" turned backwards. This series will premiere tonight on AMC at 9:00 P.M.  It will explore the first American spy ring that was created during the American Revolution known as the Culper Ring.  This spy ring was so incredibly secret that knowledge of its existence was not known until the 1930s.

For those of you who haven't heard of this spy ring, it is fascinating, and I encourage you to find out more about it and the techniques used by our patriots to send secret messages such as invisible ink.  By the way, there was a female that was part of this spy ring.

I cannot attest to the historical accuracy of the content.  I can tell you that the executive producers realized that this spy ring's story was larger than a Hollywood movie and plan to explore the characters to their fullest.  You will see the that the American Revolution was the first civil war as the father and son (main character) will be on opposite sides of war.  However, the son will have to disguise his loyalty to retain his secrecy as a member of the ring.

I will also warn you that this will not sugar coat war.  As the executive producers said, this will not be a movie about the American Revolution that your mothers and grandmothers are used to seeing.  With that said, I feel that all of the nuances of war, i.e.the good, the bad, and the ugly, will be portrayed to make this series as real in its feel as possible. 

I am so excited that something about the American Revolution will be a series on television.  I hope that we won't be disappointed.  We will find out at 9:00 tonight.

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